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370W Q.Peak L-G4.2 Solar Module by Hanwha Q.Cells

Price: CAD $389.00


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Product Summary

The 370W Q.Peak L-G4.2 Solar Module by Hanwha Q.Cells is powered by 72 Q.ANTUM solar cells. The Q.PEAK L-G4.2 series was specially designed to reduce BOS costs on larger systems. Only Q CELLS offers German engineering quality with the unique Q CELLS Yield Security.

Product Description

The 370W Q.Peak L-G4.2 Solar Module by Hanwha Q.Cells is powered by 72 Q.ANTUM solar cells. The Q.PEAK L-G4.2 series was specially designed to reduce BOS costs on larger systems. Only Q CELLS offers German engineering quality with the unique Q CELLS Yield Security.

Q.Cells 370 Watt Q.Peak Solar Module Features...

Higher yield per surface area and lower BOS costs thanks to higher power classes and an efficiency rate of up to 18.8 %.

Optimal yields, whatever the weather with excellent low-light and temperature behavior.

Long-term yield security with Anti LID Technology, Anti PID Technology, Hot-Spot Protect and Traceable Quality Tra.Q™.

High-tech aluminum alloy frame, certified for high snow (5400 Pa) and wind loads (2400 Pa).

Inclusive 12-year product warranty and 25-year linear performance guarantee2.

Q.Peak L-G4.2 370W Specifications...

Dimensions : 1994 mm x 1000 mm x 35 mm (78.5” x 39.4” x 1.38”) (including frame)
Weight : 24kg / 52.9 lbs
Front Glass : Thermally pre-stressed glass with anti-reflection technology 3.2 mm (0.13”)
Back Cover : Composite film
Frame : Anodized aluminum
Cells : 6 × 12 monocrystalline Q.ANTUM solar cells
Protection class : IP67, with bypass diodes
Cable : 4 mm² Solar cable; (+) ≥ 47.24 in (1200 mm), (−) ≥ 47.24 in (1200 mm)
Connector : MC4 or MC4-EVO 2, IP65 and IP68

Power at MPP : 370W
Short Circuit Current (Isc) : 9.89A
Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) : 48.28V
Current at MPP (Impp) : 9.41A
Voltage at MPP (Vmpp) : 39.32V
Efficiency η : ≥18.6%

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Who Is Hanwha Q.Cells?

Hanwha Q.Cells is one of the world's leading photovoltaic companies and offers a wide range of photovoltaic solutions. As a global leader, Q.Cells is committed to maintaining our excellent quality, combined with industry-leading technological innovations.
Hanwha Q.Cells cell production capacity of 5.7GW and its solar module manufacturing capacity of 5.7GW makes the company the largest cell and one of the biggest solar module manufacturers in the world.

Hanwha Q.Cells never stops improving its products. Their premium solar modules are the result of industry-leading technical expertise. More than 400 scientists and engineers research, develop, and conduct tests in four R&D centers and in their module test center. Altogether, more than 1,300 employees work in four R&D centers and in manufacturing plants for innovation and improvement in technology and quality. It is no coincidence that Hanwha solar modules have set numerous world records for efficiency. They have been awarded the 2016 Top Brand PV Seal in Europe, the USA and Australia, which shows that customers place trust in quality and performance of their products.

Hanwha Q CELLS Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, with its technology and innovation headquarters in Thalheim, Germany. The current company was created in February 2015 by combining Hanwha SolarOne and Hanwha Q CELLS. It is a subsidiary of the Hanwha Group.

Product Attributes

  • Dimensions: 1 × 1 × 1 cm
  • Weight: 25 kg

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Product added date: 2019-09-19 07:35:15
Product modified date: 2023-08-29 19:37:47

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